-- Classes for reading and writing VCF files.

Source code: nucleus/io/

Documentation index:

The VCF format is described at

API for reading:

from import vcf

with vcf.VcfReader(input_path) as reader:
  for variant in reader:

API for writing:

from import vcf

# variants is an iterable of nucleus.genomics.v1.Variant protocol buffers.
variants = ...

with vcf.VcfWriter(output_path, header=header) as writer:
  for variant in variants:

The class attempts to infer the file format (TFRecord vs VCF) from the file path provided to the constructor.

  1. For files that end with '.tfrecord' and '.tfrecord.gz' (a gzipped version), a TFRecord file is assumed and is attempted to be read or written.

  2. For all other files, the VCF format will be used.

VCF format used in writing is inferred from file paths: - ending in '.bcf.gz': BGZF compressed BCF format will be written; - ending in '.bcf': uncompressed BCF format will be written; - ending in '.gz' and not in '.bcf.gz': BGZP compressed VCF format will be written; - all other suffixes: uncompressed VCF format will be written.

VCF format used in reading is inferred from the contents of the file.

Classes overview

Name Description
InMemoryVcfReader Class for "reading" Variant protos from an in-memory cache of variants.
NativeVcfReader Class for reading from native VCF files.
NativeVcfWriter Class for writing to native VCF files.
VcfHeaderCache This class creates a cache of accessors to structured fields in Variants.
VcfReader Class for reading Variant protos from VCF or TFRecord files.
VcfWriter Class for writing Variant protos to VCF or TFRecord files.



Class for "reading" Variant protos from an in-memory cache of variants.

from import vcf
from nucleus.protos import variants_pb2

variants = [... Variant protos ...]
header = variants_pb2.VcfHeader()

with vcf.InMemoryVcfReader(variants, header) as reader:
  for variant in reader:

This class accepts a collection of variants and optionally a header and provides all of the standard API functions of VcfReader but instead of fetching variants from a file the variants are queried from an in-memory cache of variant protos.

Note that the input variants provided to this class aren't checked in any way, and their ordering determines the order of variants emitted by this class for the iterate() and query() operations. This is intentional, to make this class easy to use for testing where you often want to use less-than-perfectly formed inputs. In order to fully meet the contract of a standard VcfReader, variants should be sorted by their contig ordering and then by their start and finally by their ends.

Implementation note: The current implementation will be very slow for query() if the provided cache of variants is large, as we do a O(n) search to collect all of the overlapping variants for each query. There are several straightforward optimizations to do if we need/want to scale this up. (a) sort the variants and use a binary search to find overlapping variants (b) partition the variants by contig, so we have dict[contig] => [variants on contig], which allows us to completely avoid considering any variants on any other contigs. Neither of these optimizations are worth it if len(variants) is small, but it may be worth considering if we want to use this functionality with a large number of variants.

#### Methods:
<a name="__init__"></a>
##### `__init__(self, variants, header=None)`

Creates a VCFReader backed by a collection of variants.

Args: variants: list of nucleus.genomics.v1.Variant protos we will "read" from. header: a VCFHeader object to provide as a result to calls to self.header, or None, indicating that we don't have a header associated with this reader.

<a name="iterate"></a>
##### `iterate(self)`

<a name="query"></a>
##### `query(self, region)`

### NativeVcfReader

Class for reading from native VCF files.

Most users will want to use VcfReader instead, because it dynamically dispatches between reading native VCF files and TFRecord files based on the filename's extensions.

#### Methods:
<a name="__init__"></a>
##### `__init__(self, input_path, excluded_info_fields=None, excluded_format_fields=None, store_gl_and_pl_in_info_map=False, header=None)`

Initializer for NativeVcfReader.

Args: input_path: str. The path to the VCF file to read. excluded_info_fields: list(str). A list of INFO field IDs that should not be parsed into the Variants. If None, all INFO fields are included. excluded_format_fields: list(str). A list of FORMAT field IDs that should not be parsed into the Variants. If None, all FORMAT fields are included. store_gl_and_pl_in_info_map: bool. If True, the "GL" and "PL" FORMAT fields are stored in the map rather than as top-level values in the VariantCall.genotype_likelihood field. header: If not None, specifies the variants_pb2.VcfHeader. The file at input_path must not contain any header information.

<a name="c_reader"></a>
##### `c_reader(self)`

Returns the underlying C++ reader.

<a name="iterate"></a>
##### `iterate(self)`

Returns an iterable of Variant protos in the file.

<a name="query"></a>
##### `query(self, region)`

Returns an iterator for going through variants in the region.

### NativeVcfWriter

Class for writing to native VCF files.

Most users will want VcfWriter, which will write to either native VCF files or TFRecords files, based on the output filename's extensions.

#### Methods:
<a name="__init__"></a>
##### `__init__(self, output_path, header=None, round_qualities=False, excluded_info_fields=None, excluded_format_fields=None, retrieve_gl_and_pl_from_info_map=False, exclude_header=False)`

Initializer for NativeVcfWriter.

Args: output_path: str. The path to which to write the VCF file. header: nucleus.genomics.v1.VcfHeader. The header that defines all information germane to the constituent variants. This includes contigs, FILTER fields, INFO fields, FORMAT fields, samples, and all other structured and unstructured header lines. round_qualities: bool. If True, the QUAL field is rounded to one point past the decimal. excluded_info_fields: list(str). A list of INFO field IDs that should not be written to the output. If None, all INFO fields are included. excluded_format_fields: list(str). A list of FORMAT field IDs that should not be written to the output. If None, all FORMAT fields are included. retrieve_gl_and_pl_from_info_map: bool. If True, the "GL" and "PL" FORMAT fields are retrieved from the map rather than from the top-level value in the VariantCall.genotype_likelihood field. exclude_header: bool. If True, write a headerless VCF.

<a name="write"></a>
##### `write(self, proto)`

### VcfHeaderCache

This class creates a cache of accessors to structured fields in Variants.

The INFO and FORMAT fields within Variant protos are structured and typed, with types defined by the corresponding VCF header. This cache object provides provides {info,format}field{get,set}_fn functions that can be used to extract information from the structured Variant protos based on the types defined therein.

NOTE: Users should not need to interact with this class at all. It is used by the variant_utils.{get,set}_info and variantcall_utils.{get,set}_format functions for interacting with the INFO and FORMAT fields in a Variant proto.

#### Methods:
<a name="__init__"></a>
##### `__init__(self, header)`


Args: header: nucleus.genomics.v1.VcfHeader proto. Used to define the accessor functions needed.

<a name="format_field_get_fn"></a>
##### `format_field_get_fn(self, field_name)`

Returns a callable that gets the given FORMAT field based on its type.

<a name="format_field_set_fn"></a>
##### `format_field_set_fn(self, field_name)`

Returns a callable that sets the given FORMAT field based on its type.

<a name="info_field_get_fn"></a>
##### `info_field_get_fn(self, field_name)`

Returns a callable that extracts the given INFO field based on its type.

Args: field_name: str. The INFO field name of interest, e.g. 'AA', 'DB', 'AF'.

Returns: A callable used to extract the given INFO field from a Variant proto.

<a name="info_field_set_fn"></a>
##### `info_field_set_fn(self, field_name)`

Returns a callable that sets the given INFO field based on its type.

### VcfReader

Class for reading Variant protos from VCF or TFRecord files.

#### Methods:
<a name="c_reader"></a>
##### `c_reader(self)`

Returns the underlying C++ reader.

Note that the C++ reader might be a VcfReader or it might be a TFRecordReader, depending on the input_path's extension.

### VcfWriter

Class for writing Variant protos to VCF or TFRecord files. ```