-- Classes for reading FASTA files.

Source code: nucleus/io/

Documentation index:

The FASTA format is described at

API for reading:

from import fasta
from nucleus.protos import range_pb2

with fasta.IndexedFastaReader(input_path) as reader:
  region = range_pb2.Range(reference_name='chrM', start=1, end=6)
  basepair_string = reader.query(region)

If input_path ends with '.gz', it is assumed to be compressed. All FASTA files are assumed to be indexed with the index file located at input_path + '.fai'.

Classes overview

Name Description
FastaReader Class for reading (name, bases) tuples from FASTA files.
InMemoryFastaReader An IndexedFastaReader getting its bases from an in-memory data structure.
IndexedFastaReader Class for reading from FASTA files containing a reference genome.
UnindexedFastaReader Class for reading from unindexed FASTA files.



Class for reading (name, bases) tuples from FASTA files.


An `IndexedFastaReader` getting its bases from an in-memory data structure.

An `InMemoryFastaReader` provides the same API as `IndexedFastaReader` but
doesn't fetch its data from an on-disk FASTA file but rather fetches the bases
from an in-memory cache containing (chromosome, start, bases) tuples.

In particular, the `query(Range(chrom, start, end))` operation fetches bases
from the tuple where `chrom` == chromosome, and then from the bases where the
first base of bases starts at start. If start > 0, then the bases string is
assumed to contain bases starting from that position in the region. For
example, the record ('1', 10, 'ACGT') implies that
`query(ranges.make_range('1', 11, 12))` will return the base 'C', as the 'A'
base is at position 10. This makes it straightforward to cache a small region
of a full chromosome without having to store the entire chromosome sequence in
memory (potentially big!).


__init__(self, chromosomes)
Initializes an InMemoryFastaReader using data from chromosomes.

  chromosomes: list[tuple]. The chromosomes we are caching in memory as a
    list of tuples. Each tuple must be exactly three elements in length,
    containing (chromosome name [str], start [int], bases [str]).

  ValueError: If any of the chromosomes tuples are invalid.

Returns the underlying C++ reader.

contig(self, contig_name)
Returns a ContigInfo proto for contig_name.

is_valid(self, region)
Returns whether the region is contained in this FASTA file.

Returns an iterable of (name, bases) tuples contained in this file.

query(self, region)
Returns the base pairs (as a string) in the given region.


Class for reading from FASTA files containing a reference genome.


__init__(self, input_path, keep_true_case=False, cache_size=None)
Initializes an IndexedFastaReader.

  input_path: string. A path to a resource containing FASTA records.
  keep_true_case: bool. If False, casts all bases to uppercase before
    returning them.
  cache_size: integer. Number of bases to cache from previous queries.
    Defaults to 64K.  The cache can be disabled using cache_size=0.

Returns the underlying C++ reader.

contig(self, contig_name)
Returns a ContigInfo proto for contig_name.

is_valid(self, region)
Returns whether the region is contained in this FASTA file.

Returns an iterable of (name, bases) tuples contained in this file.

query(self, region)
Returns the base pairs (as a string) in the given region.


Class for reading from unindexed FASTA files.


__init__(self, input_path)
Initializes an UnindexedFastaReader.

  input_path: string. A path to a resource containing FASTA records.

Returns the underlying C++ reader.

contig(self, contig_name)
Returns a ContigInfo proto for contig_name.

is_valid(self, region)
Returns whether the region is contained in this FASTA file.

Returns an iterable of (name, bases) tuples contained in this file.

query(self, region)
Returns the base pairs (as a string) in the given region.