nucleus.util.errors -- Library of application-specific errors.

Source code: nucleus/util/

Documentation index:

Classes overview

Name Description
CommandLineError Exception class related to invalid command-line flags.
Error Base class for core error types.

Functions overview

Name Description
clean_commandline_error_exit(allowed_exceptions=(Error, CommandLineError), exit_value=errno.ENOENT) Wraps commands to capture certain exceptions and exit without stacktraces.
log_and_raise(msg, exception_class=Error) Logs the given message at ERROR level and raises exception.



Exception class related to invalid command-line flags.


Base class for core error types.


clean_commandline_error_exit(allowed_exceptions=(Error, CommandLineError), exit_value=errno.ENOENT)

Wraps commands to capture certain exceptions and exit without stacktraces.

This function is intended to wrap all code within main() of Python binaries
to provide a mechanism for user errors to exit abnormally without causing
exceptions to be thrown. Any exceptions that are subclasses of those listed
in `allowed_exceptions` will be caught and the program will quietly exit with
`exit_value`. Other exceptions are propagated normally.

NOTE: This function should only be used as a context manager and its usage
should be limited to main().

  allowed_exceptions: [`tuple of Exception`]. A tuple of Exception classes
    that should not be raised, but instead quietly caused to exit the program.
  exit_value: [`int`]. The value to return upon program exit.

  The yield in this function is used to allow the block nested in the "with"
  statement to be executed.

log_and_raise(msg, exception_class=Error)

Logs the given message at ERROR level and raises exception.

  msg: [`string`]. The message to log and use in the raised exception.
  exception_class: [`Exception`]. The class of exception to raise.

  Error: An exception of the type specified by the input exception_class.